While we were visiting the Outer Banks over Spring Break, I stumbled upon this fun garden in Corolla Village. My favorite part? The blue bathtub, hands down. After all, I have a sink I picked up on the side of the road in one of my own gardens {Note: my bloggy pal Lori pinned a very cool idea for an old sink in the garden on Pinterest. ❤} And look, it's smiling at me.
All the actual beds in this garden were raised, built up with railroad ties.
The white picket fence totally upped the charm factor and the pink climbing roses sealed the deal.
While there wasn't a lot of blooming going on (yet), the green foliage and impending lushness was lovely. I think I'm getting just a little bit excited for gardening season here. If only my motivation and energy matched my excitement ☺. I'll get there--just as soon as my eyes stop itching and feeling like 100 lb. weights from Spring allergies. Yeah, that's the ticket, allergies...