I'm still moving items up from the basement into the dining room art space, but I finally glued a whole bunch of stuff down on my Lisa Kaus inspired Gridlocked piece. A few pictures of how I started are in this post.
I just have a few more pieces of sheet music to glue along the edges, then I'll be ready for beeswax--the final step (!)
The last square I had to fill in was right above the center square. I tried a bunch of different items there. I thought I had decided on a shell with stamped words 'Sun & Sand'. But I wasn't 100% convinced. I was going through a pack of vintage Spanish flashcards for another project, when I happened upon the fish card. I loved the image but wasn't crazy about the Spanish word for fish (pez). However, I knew Ebby had the same package of cards, only in French. After some hard negotiating, she gave me the French fish card :-). I was also in the mode of cutting letters out of books (I have a new stash from EXCL last week) and so I reworked the 'sun & sand' phrase as well.
It's been a long process, but finally I'm happy with all my squares. You could say that my patience paid off. Or you could say it took my waaaaay too long to make a decision. Either way, on to beeswax!