Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding.
~Diane Arbus
Inspired by Chrissie Grace and her winged heart tutorial, I made this Valentine decoration for my studio. I didn't have a paper mache heart, so I made one using tin foil and paperclay. I took a large sheet of foil and shaped it into (more or less) a heart shape. I then rolled out a hunk of paperclay and laid it over the tin foil. Not so attractive from the back, but I decided that's ok.
After my heart dried, I painted it red and added some freehand white polka dots. I covered the polka dots with glue and then sprinkled them with German glass glitter for some sparkle.
I had the wings on-hand, I made them a while back using a process outlined in Kelly Rae Roberts' book, Taking Flight (awesome book, btw). I just attached the wings, along with a loop of ribbon for hanging, with a glue gun.
Because I can't seem to make anything lately without cutting out letters from old books, I cut out the letters for 'love' and glued them on for a finishing touch.
Wishing you a {love}ly weekend!