Happy Friday and Happy May Day to everyone : )
Can you guess what's making me happy this first Friday in May?
May baskets, of course! Pictured is the May basket I received in the May Basket swap from my partner Julie. It was full to the brim with wonderful vintage & vintage inspired goodness, much of it handmade by Julie. She did a beautiful job with packaging and presentation as well, I loved untying and unwrapping the tiny vellum envelopes and discovering treasure after treasure. I just love the Mamie her scallop circle friends (for details, more photos & links be sure to check Julie's Mamie in a May basket post)! The white compote bowl/nest is lovely and joins my growing collection in my office. A great partner and a great swap!
- More May baskets! I've shown you the one I made & the one I received but I still have a few more to reveal. These colorful beauties were made by my talented mom.
- In keeping with the spring and "green" theme, these Green-It-Yourself projects from green design expert Michelle Kauffman were very cool. My faves are the planted bag dryer and the garden chandelier . There are loads of great tips and projects on her website and blog and her videos are very well done. {photo from Michelle Kaufman's blog}
- This week I discovered that one of my favorite illustrators, Jill McDonald, has a blog. She posts her wonderful artwork on a regular basis, definitely worth checking out! {photo is her blog banner}
Sorry for the jumble of words and images today, Typepad is not being my friend.
Wishing you a happy weekend and a Happy May Day!